Do you feel overwhelmed, sad, stressed or anxious all the time?

Are your emotions affecting your relationships or performance at school or work?

Have your thoughts become more negative, self-critical, or intrusive?

Are you relying on substances or unhealthy coping methods to manage your emotions?

If you found yourself answering yes to one or more of these questions, and you have been experiencing on-going or worsening mental health issues, we are here to help. You are not alone and you are in the right place. Early intervention and support can greatly improve your well-being and long-term recovery success.

Mental Health Conditions Are On The Rise

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the number of people with mental health conditions is on the rise. In the United States, 1 in 5 adults experience poor mental health — in children and adolescents, the number is 1 in 6 (ages 6-17). While these numbers can seem staggering, it is important to remember that with the right health resources– behavioral therapy, mental health medications, and education– it is possible for you to live a full and happy life.

At Insight Northwest Recovery, we work with teens and young adults ages 12-29. Our goal is to help our clients conquer mental challenges while empowering you on your journey to recovery. We have a multidisciplinary team of mental health care professionals who work with you on a treatment plan that is customized to your specific needs and current experience. We understand that every client that walks through our doors has a unique perspective, life story and goals. We work with you to understand your mental health or behavioral health challenges, develop coping skills and cultivate a support network so you can start improving your life and mental wellbeing. We want you to know that you are not alone and support is available to you.

Want to learn more about our adolescent mental health programs and how we can help?

Give us a call or schedule a free consultation and one of our Client Care Coordinators will reach out at your scheduled time to answer any questions and get you started on your path to healing.


Types of Mental Health Disorders

Mental disorders are technically classified by the World Health Organization as a significant disturbance in an individual’s cognitive abilities, emotional regulation, or behaviors. These disorders manifest in different ways, and often individuals can present with more than one at a time.

Below is some general information about the mental illnesses we treat at Insight Northwest Recovery:

Anxiety Disorder

Have you ever experienced feeling nervous, having a sense of dread, or feeling like the world is speeding up or slowing down? If so, you, like millions of people, might be struggling with anxiety. Anxiety disorders are characterized by extreme worry and fear that are significant enough to result in distress or functional impairment. There are different types of anxiety disorders: Generalized Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety, Separation Anxiety, and more.

Common symptoms of Anxiety are: 

  • Nervousness or restlessness

  • A sense of impending danger or doom

  • Increase in heart rate

  • Rapid breathing or hyperventilation

  • Sweating

  • Trembling

  • Feeling weak or tired

  • Trouble concentrating

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Gastrointestinal distress

  • Avoidance to anything  that triggers anxiety

Some of the methods we use in our integrated treatment for treating anxiety disorders include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and anti anxiety medication like Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs).


Everyone feels sadness or hopelessness, these are normal human emotions and should not be confused with clinical Depression. Clinical depression is categorized when these episodes reoccur everyday for at least two weeks at a time. People who have depressive disorders often feel sad, irritated, and experience a loss of pleasure in daily life. This overwhelming sense of sadness or hopelessness can affect every aspect of your day-to-day life and can feel like a path forward is nearly impossible. We want you to know that you are not alone, your life is valuable and we are here to help. 

Some common symptoms of depression include: 

  • Poor concentration

  • Excessive guilt

  • Hopelessness about the future

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Difficulties sleeping

  • Changes in appetite or weight

  • Tiredness

Some of the methods we use to treat Depression include a combination of outpatient treatment, psychotherapy and antidepressant medication.

Bipolar Disorders

If you have Bipolar Disorder, you might experience alternating or fluctuating moods– often high highs (mania), and low lows (depression). During a Bipolar depressive episode, individuals experience extreme sadness or irritability. A Manic Episode includes feeling euphoria, increased activity or energy, or increased talkativeness and racing thoughts.

Other common symptoms of Bipolar Disorders include: 

  • Racing thoughts

  • Decreased need for sleep

  • Increased self-esteem

  • Being distracted

  • Impulsivity

Some of the integrated treatment methods we use to treat Bipolar Disorders include a combination of antipsychotic medications, mood stabilizers, and/or talk therapy.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorders, or PTSD, often develop following exposure to a highly risky or threatening experience. Often, if you have PTSD, you will have difficulty returning to normal activities following the traumatic event, and have intense physical and emotional reactions that are often triggered by a sensory exposure—touch, taste, smell, etc. 

Common symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders are:

  • Re-experiencing traumatic experiences via intrusive memories or flashbacks

  • Avoidance of triggering thoughts or feelings

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

We utilize many different methods to treat PTSD, including a combination of psychiatric medications, talk therapy, and/or behavioral therapy.

Personality Disorders

Living with a personality disorder can uncover a unique set of challenges that affect your daily life, close relationships, and your overall well-being. If you are struggling with any of these aspects of your life - you are not alone. It is common for those with personality disorders to struggle with cultivating healthy connections and relationships, navigating their own feelings and misunderstandings with others, and nurturing trust and close bonds. You may also experience a distorted self-image and widely varying emotions. This may lead to feeling insecure and full of self-doubt. Some other common experiences include impulsive behaviors, stress management challenges, and a deeply-rooted fear of abandonment.

Other common symptoms of personality disorders include: 

  • Difficulty adapting to new situations or viewpoints

  • Inflexible thinking patterns or black-and-white thinking

  • Social anxiety

  • Lingering sense of emptiness, loneliness, or dissatisfaction with life

Getting treatment for any mental illness feels like a daunting task. Here at Insight Northwest Recovery, we’re here to walk you through each step of recovery and develop a treatment plan that works for your life. Schedule a free consultation with one of the mental health professionals on our team to learn more about how we can help.


Co-occurring Addiction and Mental Illness

Addiction and mental health problems often go hand-in-hand. As a result, we feel that it is advantageous and the most effective course of treatment to address both at the same time. That is why we offer Co-occurring Disorder Alcohol and Drug Treatment.

Often, addiction can be a direct result of one or more mental health conditions. As a result of these disorders, individuals will turn to a substance that releases endorphins and/or dopamine, such as opioids or alcohol, to “cope” with the pain of these mental challenges.

Another way that these conditions can co-occur is that different forms of addiction can lead to mental health difficulties. The impact of drugs, alcohol, gambling addiction or other behavioral addictions on adolescent brain development can almost always leave it starved for the chemicals it needs to be balanced—and to live a healthy life. In these cases, a client may be given a dual diagnosis. If this happens we are able to curate a treatment plan that works to address the whole picture of what you are dealing with, and closely monitor your progress to keep you on the road to recovery.


Our Mental Health Treatment Programs

Our outpatient treatment programs have a variety of benefits, including flexibility around work and school schedules, and the ability to recover in a clean, safe, welcoming and structured environment. Additionally, our programs also seek to support and empower family and friends to be a part of your recovery process, and strengthen your support network outside of our doors.

The levels of outpatient treatment that we provide at Insight Northwest Recovery are:

1 - Intensive Day Treatment (PHP) 

The outpatient treatment process begins with Intensive Day Treatment, also known as PHP or Partial Hospitalization. This step provides our clients the opportunity to participate in a daily structured treatment program that combines individual therapy, group therapy and education, and activity-based therapies. In this program, you would attend 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 4 weeks.

2 - Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP)

Following PHP, clients will often move to the next step of our program, Intensive Outpatient Programs, or IOP. This step is slightly less intensive than PHP but offers many of the same benefits. Like PHP, you would meet for group education and counseling sessions and utilize activity-based therapies as part of your treatment plans. The IOP program runs in 3 hour group counseling sessions, 3 times per week, for 3 months.

3 - Outpatient / Aftercare

Once a client has completed one or more of the intensive outpatient programs, the next step is Outpatient / Aftercare. The main goal of this program is to set you up for long-term recovery. You would transition into our after care program to help you manage your mental health challenges long-term. This program provides access to individual counseling, psychiatry, and peer support for up to 12 months.

As you complete our programs, our goal is to ease you back into daily life without the burden of substance use or mental health challenges. 


Work With Insight Northwest Recovery

At Insight Northwest Recovery, we have a supportive team of mental health professionals who will guide you through the process of developing your treatment plan using one of our complementary health approaches. Schedule a free consultation and get started on the path to your recovery today!